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Your legal department ‘just down the hall’


We have posed a significant question to our current and future business clients: "How can the attorney contribute most optimally to the company's operations?" Two themes emerged consistently in nearly all responses: businesses desire swift and clear answers, without lengthy or unintelligible written explanations. Furthermore, the pricing model should be transparent and straightforward. Through outsourcing, we function as in-house attorneys 'just down the hall'. The distinction lies in the fact that companies only pay as per their requirements – even when a question can be answered in 10 minutes. Simply put, we tailor our legal services to the company's needs. We offer advisory services that uncover risks and pitfalls within the areas relevant to the company, along with a flexible and efficient collaborative approach that aligns with the company's communication preferences. In addition, we provide a pricing model for ongoing counsel that adapts to the company's diverse needs.

We offer one or more dedicated attorneys who acquire an in-depth understanding of the company's needs, goals, and desires. Furthermore, there's the provision for conducting in-house courses on pertinent topics such as contract negotiation, competition, marketing, and personnel matters.

A partnership with Elverdam Law Firm must yield value for our clients. This holds true both economically and in terms of the solutions established through the collaboration. The pricing model is specifically tailored to be based on the needs and preferences that render the agreement most attractive for each individual client. The agreement can naturally be terminated without notice. A collaboration between a business and an attorney should always rest upon a foundation of security and trust.

Among our areas of expertise are...
  • Commercial contracts
  • Compliance
  • Corporate law
  • Employment law & HR